BMS installation

Building Management System (BMS): Master your installations for maximum efficiency

Energy efficiency is not limited to the creation of innovative solutions. It also involves intelligent control and management of your facilities. At KIPSUM, we believe in the importance of complete control over installations, which is why we offer the installation of Building Management Systems (BMS) that go beyond mere optimization!

The BMS: Total control within reach

The BMS is much more than a control interface. It’s a comprehensive solution that enables you to monitor, control and optimize all aspects of your installations, from heating and cooling to lighting and security systems. Through our advanced approach based on digital twin and artificial intelligence, we provide proactive and automated management that adapts to changing conditions in real time.

The BACS Decree: The importance of the BMS installation

GTB is more than an opportunity, it’s a necessity! The decree BACS (Buildings with Automation and Simplified Controls), in force since July 20, 2020, highlights the importance of the installation of GTB systems for buildings for tertiary use. It aims to achieve the consumption reduction targets set by the tertiary decree in France.


Who is concerned by the BACS decree?

What are the objectives of the BACS decree?


This decree applies to all non-residential tertiary buildings with a useful surface area of more than 1000m2 and whose heating, air conditioning or ventilation system alone or combined, has a nominal power of more than 70 kW. (Compliance times are shorter for rated power above 290 kW).

  1. Track, record and analyze energy consumption data                             
  2. Adjust real-time consumption of technical systems according to needs.                       
  3. Detect and alert Operation managers monitor potential consumption deviations upstream of malfunctions to prevent overconsumption and additional maintenance costs.

Timelines for meeting this obligation:

  • Before 1 January 2025 for buildings with a power of more than 290 kW.                                                                                                                       
  • Before 1 January 2027 for buildings with a power of more than 70 kW.

Advantages of the GTB in accordance with the BACS decree

How can KIPSUM help you?

At KIPSUM, we understand the requirements of the BACS Decree and are committed to helping you comply with these standards while optimizing your facilities for maximum performance. Our expertise allows us to create tailor-made GTB solutions that meet your specific needs!